
UNC Faculty Land $1 Million Grant to Develop Assessment Tool

切尔西·罗慕洛教授ENST 100


The 国家科学基金会 awarded two 北科罗拉多大学 faculty a $1.077 million grant to improve teaching in college-level environmental science 课程.

Assistant Professor Chelsie幕 and Professor Steven 安德森 will spend the next three years developing a machine-learning program that will assess students’ understanding of the connections among food-energy-water concepts in their classes. 他们的目标是 to help instructors make evidence-based decisions on how to best test their students’ 对复杂概念的理解.

上图: Chelsie幕 giving a lecture to students in one of her previous Introduction to 环境研究(ENST 100)班.


“In all of education, our main objective is for students to learn, and there are lots of different ways to teach so students can learn, as well as tests to see if learning is happening — that’s the piece that’s difficult,” Romulo said. “为了评估, we need tools for assessment; we need to test instructors and students together to see if what the instructor is doing is effective.”

Traditional testing methods, which form what are known as concept inventories, differ from multiple-choice questions, to short answer to essay, so Romulo and 安德森 are hoping the computer program they’re creating will identify patterns of understanding 基于测试结果.


安德森 共同开发了一个类似的评估 to evaluate teaching and learning methods in geological sciences.  

"Our work 15 years ago on the Geoscience Concept Inventory showed us that it was very difficult and time-consuming to make a multiple-choice test that was both statistically 有效的 史蒂夫•安德森and reliable, but we were able to accomplish that by administering it to more than 4000名学生,”安德森说. "For our current project, there are additional challenges in scoring more complex test questions, such as short answer questions, and that’s where the Michigan State group comes in: they will apply artificial intelligence to the grading of our new test and questions so that we can quickly grade these and move toward making a concept inventory that will give us results that are research grade."

The UNC researchers will collaborate with 10 other higher-educational institutions across the country to gather an assortment of test questions given to students, as well as collecting the students’ answers.

“We’re trying to get a broad array of colleges from all over the nation, such as minority-serving 以及研究机构,”她说. “It’s a good idea to have a lot of representation.”

上图: The universities that are participating in Romulo and 安德森's
research for the concept inventory devleopment.

Over the course of the grant’s three years, Romulo hopes to create a larger concept inventory for the food-energy-water connections and involve more universities.

“There’s a huge need for this, which is why we received the funding,” Romulo said. “I’m excited to work with these other universities, especially with COVID-19 and teaching 在线. There are lots of opportunities for us to work with other universities and have that synergy of sharing activities and assignments across the board.”

Romulo discusses the Introduction to 环境al Studies class and the importance of Liberal 艺术 Core curriculum in the following video:

Amanda Manzanares, a UNC doctoral student, will assist Romulo and 安德森. Manzanares” 硕士论文 analyzed students’ understanding on basic geology topics, similar to Romulo and 安德森’s 在NSF的资助下即将进行的研究. She’s starting the 教育al Psychology Ph.D. program this fall with UNC Associate Professor 莫莉詹姆逊, Ph.D.,教授 凯文·普, Ph.D.作为她的联合顾问.

“我很高兴能与dr. Romulo and 安德森 on this project," Manzanares said. "While completing my master’s research at UNC, I learned that it is important that educators have a better understanding of the initial knowledge state of their students. Instructors can then use this information to structure their classroom activities to help students build a strong foundational knowledge that they can use to learn 更复杂的概念.”


——Katie Corder著

